Making a Difference
The support of our Alumni and Community Partners is the key to our success!
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The support of our Alumni and Community Partners is the key to our success!
The Gold Star Chapter designation is presented by FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association to affiliate chapters that demonstrate a commitment to achieving the mission and goals of their community outreach partnership with the FBI. This prestigious recognition acknowledges the dedication of the chapter board of directors and members in achieving high quality operating standards.
FBI Miami CAAA Board of Directors reflect a diverse network of business leaders representing education, community advocacy, medicine, law, finance and technology throughout the Miami-Dade, Broward and West Palm Beach counties. Think you would be a good fit? Follow this link to learn more about the Board of Directors.
As Ambassadors and partners, the mission of the FBI Miami CAAA is to develop and implement outreach initiatives that connect the FBI Miami Field office to our South Florida communities in a civic and meaningful way by educating citizens about federal law enforcement, equipping the public with safety initiatives and resources, and though informative programs that emphasize youth developments and academic excellence.
Separate and apart of the FBI Miami CAAA, the FBI Citizens Academy offers a unique opportunity to experience an up-close and personal view of the inner workings, mission and priorities of the FBI. Delivered in an intimate classroom setting, selected citizens cover a curriculum that includes counter terrorism, white collar crimes, organized crime, cyber crimes and civil rights. More Information
There is no doubt that PSA's build awareness. What makes them powerful is when we all come together to effect change! Spread the word and help support these campaigns by sharing via text or social media. SHARE PSA's (link coming soon)
Without your support and partnership, all of our meaningful outreach would not be possible.
You make the difference! Follow link to make a contribution.
For more information about the FBINCAAA, follow this link.